* = Indicates required field.
You must first enter a username before resetting a forgotten password.
We do not have this username on record
You must enter a properly formatted email address
The message has been sent. If you do not receive this message, please confirm the email address or mobile phone number entered is correct.
The phone number entered is invalid. Please check that the number is correct and that you have added the appropriate dashes (-)
We are unable to send you your username via email at this time.
We are unable to text you your username via email at this time.
We are currently unable to retrieve your Security Question. Because of this, you will not be able to reset your password online. Contact Kuder Client Engagement to get help resetting your password.
Please enter an answer to your Security Question
Passwords must be between 5 and 50 characters
The passwords entered do not match
Your password has been reset. Enter it on the following screen.
Username is required.
Password is required.
A secure connection (https://) is required to login.
Please check that your username and password are correct
Access to this website is currently restricted to students in grades 6 thru 12.
Contact us for customer support and training on the system today!
MEonline uses your DoE logon credentials when you login.
Please use the same username to log onto a school computer or DoE Guest Wifi. Your username will be in a format similar to;
For further assistance, please ask your teacher to check your username through Vkey.education.tas.gov.au. Teacher instructions are provided here.
MEonline uses your DoE logon credentials when you login.
Please use the same username and password to log onto a school computer or DoE Guest WiFi.
For further assistance, please ask your teacher to reset your password through Vkey.education.tas.gov.au. Teacher instructions are provided here.
There is already a user created with this information.
Do you wish to continue making a duplicate account?
Welcome to the ECOT College and Career Planning System, powered by Kuder®. ECOT is providing this tool for you to assist in planning your future. Based on the results of your individual assessments, you will be provided extensive resources about potential career pathways and occupations that match up to your interests, skills, and work values.
1. Click the Tools button in the upper right.
2. Select Print and Click Page setup...
3. Under Paper Options, select the Print Background Colors and Images check box, and then click OK.
4. Now you are ready to print your page.
Contact our Client Engagement Team if you have any issues.
1. Click the Menu button in the upper right.
2. Select Print...
3. Select and check
4. Now you are ready to print your page.
Contact our Client Engagement Team if you have any issues.
Note: The following settings are saved as Firefox preferences on a per-printer basis.
1. Click the Menu button in the upper right.
2. Click Print button.
3. Select Page Setup...
4. Check Print Background (colors & images) box and click OK.
5. Now you are ready to print your page.
Contact our Client Engagement Team if you have any issues.
1. Click the File, select Print...
2. Click the button.
3. Check box.
4. Now you are ready to print your page.
Contact our Client Engagement Team if you have any issues.
If you are using Microsoft's Edge browser, printing of background colors will not be supported. Refer to another browser like Google Chrome for printing purposes.
Contact our Client Engagement Team if you have any issues.
Contact our Client Engagement Team if you have any issues.